Saturday, November 11, 2006

Weekend Update

That post about staying or going was a saved draft from October, thus the angst I think. The reason for all that questioning was the opportunity to voluntarily mobilize for a year. Then I settled on staying, happy and in love with another winter of snow and warm blankets, even if there won't be anyone sharing those blankets.

Long story short, any person ever part of the military knows that they only give you the option of volunteering for so long before you're just voluntold.

Of course, this is all assuming that the way is made straight and the path lit through all the screenings and so forth. I'd give my odds of missing another Christmas around 85/15.

If I'm still healthy when the MED screen goes down, come January I'll be on the East Coast for a couple months and tentatively accepting offers for beer on that strip of salt wash. Hopefully, I'll finally get to see a couple places over there that I missed during my on again/off again relationship with the chowder states. Namely, I will see Philadelphia, goddamit. I'm a little bit of a history nerd, and a little bit of an understater, so Philly has always been on my A list. So was New York, and then I took care of that. Virginia, but I got that out of the way ad nauseum. The Spanish Colonial towns of the gulf coast bear my foot prints. It sure is nice that I'm a history nerd because a couple months after I arrive in Virginia (again), I'll be in the "Cradle of Civilization."

With a rifle.

Instead of the simple, and exponentially safer, detention facility duty that I could have volunteered for, it's looking like I'll be working interdiction in the Gulf. That's where we board vessels and search the ships for contraband arms and so forth. Boarding parties are historically a good way to get your shit dead. All of this begs the question, "How do I feel about all this?"

I wish I had some sophisticated and high-minded word to impart. I thought and prayed, if that's what you want to call it, and the best response I can come up with in regards to this news is pretty much, "Fuck yeah."

Maybe that's why a life of roving and fighting draws me like it does. I'm not saying I want to do it, but I can do it, and very well. That's motivating.


Anonymous said...

If you do it, write about it. Shit, I'd read that in a flash. Prolly pay to as well.

And don't stand in the way of any flying lead (if that's what they use still). I'd prefer not to read about that.

JillWrites said...

Casey, I need the cheat sheets to what the hell you wrote here. Specifically, what does it mean, where are you going, what are you doing, when and for how long. For creative writing, I love the play of words. For this post, I need specifics. And if you're anywhere on the area, I shall gladly buy you beer.

Rock Hammer said...

Barring any injuries or some unforseen medical condition, I'm leaving in January for Virginia, then in March for Iraq. I'll write about it, probably on this blog, but for now, I think I'm going to fall off the face of the Earth for about a week.

I'll let everyone know what's going next Monday.

I'll avoid any bullets or shrapnel I see heading my way.

Sefton said...

I like the new look and the new "minions" thing. Good job, Vox. Er, Casey...

Sefton said...

that was me, btw. No idea why Blogger dropped my nickname.

JillWrites said...

Why did you make the quickie post go away? I liked it, dammit.

Rock Hammer said...

Well, Jill, let's remember who's running this show. If I feel like fixing a comma splice and hitting "save as draft" instead of publish, that's my own damn perrogative.

Mac: I like the new look too. I'm thinking Vox may make a return now that I can make a decent looking page without wearing my knuckles out on html. The world needs more drunken communism.

JillWrites said...

Casey, I'd say kiss my sweet ass, but I don't think you'd take it in the metaphorical way I was intending.