Sunday, April 02, 2006

No Thoroughfare Canyon

The phone rang at an ungodly hour this morning. It hurt my head to think that early. It was my dad asking for my help with some farm equipment he needed to move. His job is not to move farm equipment, but a friend had bought a furrower from the Western Implement and needed it up on Glade Park. It was a good excuse to get out on the road and see some rocks, so I agreed.

We had a hell of a time getting that machine up on the low-boy, but we got it all running soon enough. I took this picture on our way back of No Thoroughfare Canyon.

We had to get out of the truck a little after this and clean up a mess his trailer made when an air fitting blew off and locked up the tires. It's an amazing day, so we walked out to the rim of the canyon and I snapped this.

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