Monday, April 24, 2006

Those other people are bad

I have no opinion on most aspects of homosexuality. In fact, I often can agree with some of the less tangible benefits of the practice. A life of men only associating with men, removing the inherent female emotional responses and such from gay men, would offer a life with little melodrama and probably fewer wars. It seems that the rape of the women folk, literally and figuratively of their beliefs and faiths, has been pretty much the prime motivation offered to the common man with a pike, rock, club, or air-cooled, gas operated M-16. In a homosexual world of men, it would be hard to find issues important enough to fight over. On the other hand, I am a huge fan of the female sex and can completely see where it would draw an eye away from the more utilitarian aesthetics of the male body. Also, the myths of fraternity and sorority would evaporate and men or women could operate on somewhat more intellectual motivations since the competition of the sexes is removed.

So, this is nothing more than my personal observations, I really have no opinion on the subject either way.

Lesbians are not the same as homosexual men. Besides the obvious physiological differences, there is the motivation. I have known more homosexuals than the average guy over my span of life. I have worked with them, had them over for dinner, stayed at their apartments, picked them up while they were hitch hiking, and had Thanksgiving Dinner with them. I hate even saying "them". There is really no difference that would segregate those individuals from the rest of us in a crowd. Just as there are the flaming queens of the homosexual world, we maters have our tramps and man-whores. I know that my opinion on this may shock a few readers of my other site, but really, it is and has been true for most of my life.

Everyone points out correlations as if there is some sickness to cure or problem to solve when it comes to their cross section of this world's population, but really, I don't give a shit. Operate on your own conscience and leave others be. Your morals are not enforcable in any setting where freedom is even given lip service.

That being said, I watched a movie the other day and previews for Brokeback Mountain came on. It made me squeamish. I don't like seeing men undressed or passionate in movies anyway, and two of them at the same time just kind of made me sick. I'm not sure if this is hypocritical or not.

In other words, you will not see naked men on this site. Sorry.

And Milfred, quit sending me emails offering "men cock naked and young beautiful".

Thank you.

1 comment:

Rock Hammer said...

So he said, so he said...