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Thanks for putting up with me this month. Octobers are rough and I normally feel like dying by the time it gets going good. This month was made ten times worse by a catalyzing spark of a miserable anomoly. Obviously, this involves a woman.
Things are picking up.
They aren't perfect, but they've come around. I don't have much to offer as far as writing at the moment. Sooner or later, I'll find myself inspired and on the Internet at the same time, but I've been burning up some creative resources on a side project.
I'm considering whether or not to undertake a huge endeavor next month. It would fall on the run up to finals and I don't plan on having any time off any time soon, so it may be a doomed proposition. The heavy handed palm-slap of this month has yielded some writing ore that may not be gold, but possible mid-grade native Cu.
While the terrible crash of October is over, I have to warn you that April may not be a happy field of poseys, either. Obviously, a woman is invloved.
April is a ways off. We'll chant that cliche when we get to it.
Women, being half of the world's population are always a handy cliche.
April might not be much of a problem this time around, I have time to prepare.
Oh, I didn't mean that writing about women was a cliche. I meant "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it". But I didn't want to write that. And now I did.
To hell with that bridge. I'm going to the Yucatan where there are no seasons. Then I can call the months whaterver I want. Anyone is welcome to come out that wants to avoid a month or two.
Oh, I'm there. February. Sucks.
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