Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A Request

If you notice, the last post was a statement of my being. That was something I've been wanting to do for a while, and I figured I would state a different being verb correlating to the alphabet for twenty three posts. The decision to spend time on self introduction sprang from a brief self-introduction of the author in one of my favorite travelogue. He said something intelligent sounding about people not being able to visualize characters without them being described. Then I realized I had nothing for "B."

I also realized that I am not the kind of person who can do the same thing twenty three times in a row. The thought is scrapped. I also have another idea that will be a complete departure for this site that may show up if I decide it's worth the time. Two departures, in fact. I think I already mentioned the Friday Fiction thing. Besides, lately my writing has been shit, so a departure might be nice.

On to the point:

So, I have an idea. I'm thinking of having a debate.

Recently, someone disagreed with my views on a minor topic, and I have to admit to being captivated. I have debated the issue, which I don't really care that much about, with others before with passion and fire. I have good ammo. I have presentations and parallels to show the wide-eyed audience. I considered making a PowerPoint.

I don't know how to do this. I want the debate moderated, but informal as I have no idea how formal debate actually works. The moderators should be people who are either dispassionate on the subject or people who are able to be rational. I'm not sure I have that many fans, for lack of a better word, who fit the criteria.

Also, the location of the forum. Gmail? Conference call? Smoke signals?

I don't even know why I'm giving it this much thought as it would be less debate and more of an argument, really.

Any ideas are welcome. I'll be more or less absent for the rest of the week and on into the weekend, but I may get a few minutes before Friday to worry about all this.


m.a. said...

Whatever is this all about? I'd be interested in learning more. Don't be vague, that only illicits a pavlovian response in those who (secretly) love a good argument.

Rock Hammer said...

Well, there is this woman whose aquaintence I have made recently. The subject would be Eurowussball. Soccer, I believe it is alternately called, depending on the company.

If you want to jump in, I would be honored.

Any ideas?

m.a. said...

I think that a moderated debate would be a very good thing. Any format would work, I suppose.

However, I would think that if you want to show the public the largess of your rhetorical skills, I suppose that you'd want have this debate in public.

But if you're interested in keeping said debate to a smaller more intimate audience, I'd suggest gmail or a conference call.

Smoke signals should only be used if both parties know how to do them.

Rock Hammer said...

I will be in touch.

Lord Chimmy said...

Start here.

The blogosphere presents an appropriate arena. But, if it is just pitting one idea against another you could chose a variety of formats...debate, trial, cage fight, Socratic discussion, etc.

Rock Hammer said...

I'm leaning toward cage match, actually.

m.a. said...

Obviously, a cage match would limit the amount of words said besides, "Damn it! That hurt!"