Saturday, May 05, 2007

Research is Damned!

I was rumbling through Wikipedia the other day, trying to find something substantial to say about the isolation theory of speciation. About halfway down the article, I happened on a section devoted to epigenetics. In typical Wikipedia form, they immediately circled the wagons around what is really not a controversial issue and breathlessly lined up a tier of pikes, "epigenetics is not a challenge to the Theory of Natural Selection."

I would never have thought that it would be. I see no way that it can. But, they doth protest too much. Perhaps there is something going on in the graveyard that I should be aware of, said I. So, after an exhaustive research of epigenetics, I found absolutely no reason to even ponder why this would be a challenge to TNS. I am biased here and must admit that I find very little that is a challenge to the theory.

Then I thought, "So, you wonderful bastion of sense and intellectual prowess (as I have titled myself), where could we find an opinion on this soft inheritance that could direct one away from the consensus."

I hate consensus and try to veer whenever possible.

Ah, thought I, Were there ever a database of challenges to Darwin, sure this is it. So I typed out the address and struck the enter key with aplomb. I would surely find the chink in all of the scientific elite's armour now!

A page lacking refinement and class burst open in my browser. "Conservapedia" was stamped with authority on Old Glory waving in a badge upon a field of neutral and academic color. This is where those cretins with their doctorates from accredited universities do not want you to go. They will not control me, sayeth I!

I typed in the search field "epigenetics" and struck the enter key again. Nothing. No mention at all of this obviously Achillean problem to this simply unproven theory. Ha! Forsooth! I must have mispelt. I whispered a dastardly chuckle to myself, frightening a few at this wifi hotspot. Their bemusement was of no consequence to myself, the great disprover of the hokery of Evil-ution. I had them on the run now, cursed lovers of monkeys!

I typed carefully this time and hit enter once more. Nothing!

How could these do-gooders with nothing but the kindness of humanity in their hearts not know of this chink in the bricks of scientific conspiracy? So, I too it upon myself to type into the search field. Evolution. After a link was followed I was at a momentous occasion on this day. The Trial of Scopes' Monkeys!

I soldiered through a sentence or two. Apparently the main researchers of American science's last best hope are all in eighth grade. Bryan's oratorical skills were unmatched? How do they know? There was not a footnote. There was no proof whatsoever for the claim. What about Alexander the Great? He may have been a little light in his loofas, but he had to be fairly persuasive. Lincoln? Probably a better orator. What of Jesus? The guy went on for days on some occasions.

No, thought I, this is not the hope of science. This page is no help at all. Who writes these articles? "As crafty as the day is long, [Clarence Darrow] arrived in Tennessee armed with his bag of tricks." Not since sound found a home in motion picture has anyone resorted to such colloquial jargon in sholarly circles.

What the fuck? scrame I. Patrons of the coffee shop fled. So said I to the constable, "But sir, they posit that the defeat of the evolutionists allowed George W. Bush to carry the state of Georgia thus winning the presidential election of 2000."

He was unmoved.

After posting my somewhat unreasonable bail, I tried a new tack on Conservapedia. Surely they would help my revolution in science if I simply looked for the right article. The results are less than encouraging.


Anonymous said...

Well you certainly made up for the last (self-acknowledged) non laugh-fest post.

And with a punchline! We'll make an aimless-write-about-nothing blogger of you yet.

Maybe you'd like to hear some of Sister Veronica's views on epigentics?

Joey Polanski said...

I once heard somone refute th Theory o Evolution thus:

If Evolution was correct, then monkeys woud be turnin into people evry day.

Now, tell me THAT aint convincing!

Janet said...

My favorite part of this post was:

What the fuck? scrame I.

Scrame. Scrame. Scrame. Scrame. That is took fucking cool to articulate.

As for monkeys, I say they better stay monkeys for awhile. We already have an overpopulation problem without their funny asses turning pink.

Lord Chimmy said...

Humble thyself before the glory that is the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Rock Hammer said...

Reverend, you must be joking, I've never even done a meme!

And as for The Theory of Joeytivity, I have now lost my faith. Of course monkeys would still be turning into people today. That's what evolution is all about! Thank you ol' PU!

Not that I approve in anyway of those monkeys taking up me and Janet's space. Next they'll want to vote.

Lord Chimmy, you have hit on an excellent point. I forgot that it was the FSM that turned the monkeys into people. And I have to say that I fucking love that theory. It's so whimsical and friendly. I get all my sceince from those guys from now on. Dicordians Ho!